Available to all students
Attend teacher-led live online video classes everyday Monday-Friday.
Instruction will begin at 8:30am each day and end at 2:45pm.
Classes will start every hour on the hour. Lunch will be from 11:45am - 12:25pm.
Students will be notified if they qualify for Flex Path
Qualifying Factors:
On track for High School Graduation by not needing any credit recovery
Scored on grade level in Reading or Math in i-Ready
Available to 10-12th grade students
Provides the opportunity for 12th grade students to graduate a semester early
Despite the uncertainty regarding the ongoing health crisis, BayTech Charter School is excited to start our new school year. Governor Newsom informed area schools that we would not be able to go back to school in person until certain criteria regarding COVID-19 were met within our county. This means that BayTech will be starting the school year off in a virtual format, which is very different from how we were anticipating the start of our school year.
Para obtener información en español, haga clic aquí.
As always, our main goals are student student safety and student learning. Our staff is committed to ensuring that students do not miss out on their education, even during these challenging times.
Families will have two options for the students’ learning experiences. Each student will select either Exact Path and Flex Path. Please see the details below. Also, note that 12th grade students are able to take English, Government and Economics either through live virtual instruction or through an online program. All seniors will need to take Statistics through live virtual instruction.
When does school start?
Regardless of the learning program your student is enrolled in, all students will start school on August 3. Please see the full Academic Calendar on our website under Academics.
How will I know in which program my student can participate?
We will notify students and families by Wednesday July 29th, 2020, in which programs their student is eligible for participation. All middle school students will be enrolled in Exact Path with the exception of qualifying 8th grade students who are above grade level in math.
When will my student get their schedule?
Schedules will be provided to students no later than Wednesday July 29th, 2020.
How long will these modified programs last?
We are working closely with local health officials to determine what the best practices are for our students, teachers, families and staff. We expect to follow this structure for the Fall Semester and will reassess our plans for the Spring Semester based on the recommendations of the California Department of Education and Alameda County Health Department.
What safety precautions is the school taking?
BayTech is following the directions of the Alameda County Health Department, the California Department of Education, and Governor Newsom to ensure the safety of our staff, students and families. These factors led to our decision to implement live virtual instruction for the Fall of the 2020-21 school year. Should we be permitted to return to school in the Spring, some of the changes students and families can expect once returning to campus include: smaller class sizes to allow for social distancing, limiting student interactions in the hallways, providing additional hand washing stations and single stall bathrooms to promote social distancing and proper hygiene, and more. More information will be provided closer to the start of the school year as the County Health Guidelines could change or be adjusted prior to the start of the school year.