David is a chemistry major at UC Berkeley and has been volunteering in our High School Science classes. He's enrolled in the CalTeach program at UCB which "is a program for undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors interested in exploring a career in education." BayTech has partnered with Cal Teach to bring students like David into the classroom to not only gain teaching experience, but also help current students in STEM classes, http://calteach.berkeley.edu/people/mentor-teachers.php.
According to Ms. Rose, a high school science teacher at BayTech, "At first I was really nervous to have him come in, but he's awesome and he turned out to be a huge help. The kids really liked him and always asked if he was coming." David even found a copy of a "chemistry of cooking" book for one of our students that is interested in culinary school, bringing the student's passion and science together.

As a parting gift, Ms. Rose had all of her students sign a copy of The Element in the Room by Mike Barfield for David to thank him for all of his help. We are so excited to see the positive influence of the CalTeach students and look forward to more Cal Teach students like David to join our classrooms!